Hello I’m Neisha

While browsing through Pinterest, I saw a 30 day Blog Challenge  which was mainly to get to know the blogger. Although the challenge is supposed to be done every day for 30 days, I thought it would be more fun,  if I just write 30 personal posts so you can get to know me better and by reading these posts you’ll probably  find out that we have many things in common 🙂

So this first post will be my little Bio.

I was Born In Puerto Rico to  a Nuyorican Father and a Panamanian mother. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out with my parents so they decided to go their separate ways. When I was 3 years old  my mom took me with her to Panama where I spent most of my childhood years but I always  visited Puerto Rico and would stay with my Grandparents for 3 months every year, so if you ask me what is my nationality I would tell you that I’m 100% Puerto Rican and 100% Panamanian.

On my late teens, I moved to New Jersey to live with my dad and this is where I lived for 10 years but my life was also in New York.

I always had this passion for  modeling, so I started attending a modeling school in Montclair NJ called Barbizon School. while I was attending, I auditioned to participate on a Model and Talent convention. Here  was where I first felt rejections because I wasn’t tall enough to be a High Fashion Model and the runway was what I loved the most about modeling. During this convention I noticed my scores were higher in the acting competitions and that gave me the courage to pursue acting as well. For years I went to many auditions, took many acting classes. Although my career in modeling and acting wasn’t that successful, I was able to book a couple indie films and modeling gigs,  I also loved going to auditions and I’m grateful to have met so many people in the indie film industry that today I can call friends.

There were many auditions I really enjoyed, I really loved the thrill of competing with others and also see other fellow actors performing during auditions, but there were disappointing moments as well because I experienced what some called the “acting couch”. After having a couple bad experiences, I decided to take a break from auditioning and decided to go back to school and pursue my Bachelor’s degree.

Writing has also been a huge love in my life, since little I’ve been writing journals where I note the most important moments in my life -sad or happy moments-. When I was in my teens I would write romantic  and suspense stories which then I would read to my mom. While I was actively pursuing acting I also fell in love with the indie film-making world and also started writing short films that I hope to produce someday.

I’m currently living again in Panama but constantly traveling to New York because my father and his side of the  family still lives there and this is where my heart will always be. Then I became so “normal” person, I had a job, finished college but after having two car accidents, losing someone I loved so much, I realized that for many years I was just existing instead of living so I embarked on this journey to re-discover myself and take charge of my life again. Blogging is a huge part of it, I’m learning so much about myself and I’m very happy again. I’ve been married now for 4 years, My husband is my best friend and wonderful man who supports me and we would love to start a family soon 😉

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to Know about me and If you would like to share anything with me please comment below.

With all my love,


What I wore:

My Goals for October 2016

Oh My goodness! the year is going by super fast but it has been an amazing one for me so far. I feel I’m finally taking charge of my life and living in the present moment.

I will go over last month’s goals, which overall I think I did pretty good but I know I could do better.

September’s Goals recap:

  • Practice Yoga 3 x a week: I’m proud to say that I practiced Yoga 5 days a week during the month of September and I feel wonderful.
  • Start writing the content for my YouTube Channel:   I did it…so far I have 3 pieces of content that I will be filming this month.
  • Post in my Blog twice a week: Failed.  I’m sad to say that although I wrote more posts this month I failed to post twice a weeks.
  • Practice Gratitude everyday: I did it everyday in the morning and it feels great. I start my days happier and full of joy.
  • Participate more on Social Media:   I doubled my engagement on social media, it actually became a little addictive.
  • Declutter my house and organize documents: it took me a whole day but I did it and this is something that I’ll have to keep doing regularly.

My goals for this month are:

  • Practice Yoga 3x a week: although I didn’t fail last month I think this should be part of my goals for this month as well as I continue with the changes  to a better and healthier lifestyle

  • Design  my YouTube Channel Banner: since I would like to start uploading videos by next month I need to make sure I create  a Banner that shows what my channel would be about.

  • Write two Posts about Style: by auditing my blog, I realized I need to post more about Style since this is something I love and I want to build a smart wardrobe.

  • Practice Gratitude everyday: the best way to find happiness is by being grateful with what I already have in my life and enjoy the present moment.

  • Finish my photography course: I’m a one woman show, so this means I do everything to bring my blog live. I want to take better pictures and get more into photography since this is something I’m really liking a lot, I know I won’t be a professional photographer but at least I want to know what I’m doing 🙂

Well, wish me good luck, I also wish you good luck with all your goals for this month. I’m excited to see how much I can accomplish this month.

With all my love,

How to Change your Life Habits

Hi Guys!

If you’ve been reading my posts you Know that I’m trying to re-design my life by becoming a better version of myself, and big part of it falls in changing my old habits. Please don’t think I was in a path of self destruction…lol…but I do think that in order to be happier in my life there were certain habits I needed to get rid off and as I’m becoming more self aware, I was able to identified which habits were not helping me in this Journey.

Getting into new habits has been very challenging and since I know the struggle I thought I could share some tips to help you overcome those challenges and help you with your journey to becoming a better self as well:

Be Clear on Why?: This is the most important thing of making the step towards acquiring new life habits. For example: one of my new habits is to practice yoga 3 times a week and I want to do this because I want to look good and feel good. Don’t start a new habit just because it’s trendy and everyone is doing it. You need to be very clear and honest with yourself, this will help you stay focus and keep you motivated to acquire your new habits.

Create a support system: in my case my support system is my husband and I also have subscribed  to a couple YouTube channels of people (which I call “Mentors” ) that motivate me through their videos. I watch motivational videos in the morning while I’m drinking coffee and gives me this I-can-do-it-all dose that It becomes additive but this could be one of the best addictions you could have 🙂

Take baby steps:  this is something that I can’t stress enough. I think one of the main reason most of us fail at something is because we didn’t take baby steps. Take it from my own experience: I was addicted to drinking soda every day and every time I would make the decision to give it up abruptly, I would get so anxious and I would make stupid excuses like “i worked really hard today” I deserve one…or I’m so stressed out… maybe i deserve one soda… and would promise to myself that this would be my last one, but my cycle of drinking it would start all over again 😦 … but when I started replacing soda a couple days out of the week with water and/or natural juices, it became easier to keep reducing the frequency little by little until I no longer felt the craving of drinking it.

Catch the Wagon or Start Again: there will be some instances where we will be not be able to make progress due to things that happen to us in life so don’t be afraid to catch the wagon again and continue from where you left off , or don’t be afraid start again.

so hope these tips can help you in the same they’ve help me so far. I wish you the best in your Journey to becoming a better version of yourself… Progress is always good…life is about improving and becoming a better person each day.

If you have any other tips that you would like to share please comment below, I would love to hear from you

with all my love,

3 Youtube Workout channels That I’m loving

As I’m writing this post, I am smiling because I’m thinking what my friend Dominika will say to me for sharing my fitness routine. She would just rant about how Pilates and Yoga are for delicate princesses, Not for strong women but I totally disagree with her (love you Dominika) She loves hard core Insanity-types of workouts and uses like weights to build muscle and I –unlike her– don’t like to use weights at all.


I work out to build lean muscles because I don’t think I would look good if I ever get too muscular… so after trying different workouts… the ones that I always go back to are Pilates and Yoga. One of the main reasons I love to practice these  types of body weight workouts is because I can do them at home.  I hate…but really…really hate going to the gym. I think working out is personal and is part of my “ME” time. (this is just my opinion) most of my friends enjoy going to the gym, it really works for them but the gym and I don’t get along.

I have many Pilates and cardio dvds but I get bored doing the same routines over and over,hence I am always in search for new trainers and routines on YouTube. I know there are many women and men who are just like me so this is the reason why I’m sharing my Pilates and Yoga current routines 🙂

Now below you will find my 3 currently favorites but here is a little disclaimer, depending when you come upon this post, the links might not be available so if that happens just type the workout name directly to the YouTube search.

She is my all time favorite trainer, I have almost all her dvd’s but she has a series of workouts on the BeFit Channel where you will also be able to find other workouts by other trainers.

if you are often on Youtube you’ve probably already know her Blogilates Channel which is amazing, she is super fun to follow and she has so many different workouts that you will never be bored.

Last but definitely not least I found this Channel not too long ago and I’m freaking in love with this channel, it features a beautiful couple Mark and Juliana and their channel is about just greatness (Fitness, Meditation and Travel) they both seem very beautiful people inside and out.

Any of these are really worth trying…just try them once, I am sure you will fall in love with one of them… You body and Mind will Thank You

follow me on Bloglovin 

With all My Love,

My Goals for September 2016

September has arrived! its my mother and my aunt Sonia’s Birthday Month. I think all women who were born this month have something in common which is that they all are very strong women. I have decided to start this month my “Monthly Goals” series so I can feel more pressure in actually commit to achieve them…lol…

All these goals will help me be closer to live the life I want to live 🙂

1. Practice Yoga 3x a week: I love Yoga but sometimes I get a little lazy and there would be days that I would not do it, but then I will be suffering because my flexibility goes back to zero so since I want to look better and feel better I want to make sure I do it at least 3 times a week.

2. Start writing the content for my Youtube Channel: yes, I will be joining Youtube. I want to share my life experiences and hopefully help others along the way, what better way to reach more beautiful people than Youtube.

3. Post in my Blog twice a week: I want to grow my audience and want to be more comfortable with my writing so the best way to do this is to write more. 🙂

4. Practice Gratitude everyday: the best way to find happiness is by being grateful with what I already have in my life and enjoy the present moment.

5. Participate more on Social Media: for sure something I wasn’t expecting about having a blog is how much work it takes to promote your blog on social media. Sometimes I forget to post for days! because I get so busy with my day job so I need to figure out the best time I could do it, I really want to engage more on Social Media.

6. De-clutter my house and organize documents: I need to throw away things I don’t need or use, and I also need to organize important documents and file bills because right now I am a little mess.

Wish me good luck and I hope this can bring you inspiration to set some monthly goals as well and make an action plan to achieve them

If you would like to share some of your goals for this month please let me know on the comments below

with all my love,

Taking Time for Yourself

For a few days I wasn’t feeling well. I was feeling  burnt out and that was impacting negatively in my life. I wasn’t sleeping well and eating well either. I was also moody and having anxiety attacks.

So I decided to take some days off from work and have some “ME” time.

When I told some people I was going to do that, I felt awkward because they would ask me if I was going to a resort or if I was going to travel and since my answer was “no, I’m going to spend time in solitude”, they would look at me as if I was weird 😦

But after some research I actually found an article on Oprah’s life class website that talks about the importance and benefits of spending some time alone. (you will find the link below)

My main goal for taking this time off, was to take care of myself. So you may ask what I have been doing all these days at home in solitude?

Well I have been:

Reading: I had a couple of personal development books that I started reading long time ago, but I hadn’t had the time to finish them so I have been reading them in the morning while drinking my coffee and a little bit more before I go to bed.

Practicing Yoga and Meditation: I wanted  to reduce my stress so I wanted to get serious in my yoga practice and meditation so from now on, I want to make sure I do it every single day but I knew I needed some time to get into the habit of doing this everyday, so first I do meditation early in the morning and around 10 am I do Yoga.

Watching inspirational Videos and Ted Talks: there is something about these videos that they just make you feel great after watching them, they shift your mindset into beautiful state of mind.

Learning: I have been taking an online photography course, which made me realize how beautiful is this discipline. I am a lifelong learner so I am always looking for new things to learn.

After all these days at home, I feel I can think clearly, I feel refreshed and re-charged. I love the feeling of taking back control of my life so I would recommend to do this if your boss allows you to, because it will made a positive impact in your work and your everyday life.

Thanks for spending some time with me… 🙂

click here to read Oprah’s article

With all my love,

Review: Flormar Make Up

If you are like me, someone that has Champagne taste on a beer budget, sometimes is hard to find Make Up brands that can meet our expectations.

I had run out of my MAC foundation and some of the makeup products I had were a little bit old. To be more exact, besides a foundation I also needed to get: a new eyeliner, eye primer, face primer and loose powder.

I would always see the Flormar Store at the Mall nearby my house but I was always skeptical about going in there and trying this make up brand. I had the impression that the makeup was not of good quality but after being given poor customer service at a MAC store, I finally decided to go into the Flormar Store, so here it is a little review of my little Flormar make up haul:

This Primer is white in color but when I applied it on my face, it blended on my skin beautifully. The formula contains acacia and green tea that helps with the elasticity of the skin, it has a nice fragrance and although I  prefer make up without any type of fragrance this one doesn’t bother me at all. After I applied it, my skin felt hydrated and very soft, it can definitely compete with high end brands.

I was looking for a foundation that could provide me with good coverage and I was absolutely surprised to see that this one works amazingly well. It has a MAC like quality and I even dare to say that I like it better than any Mac foundation I have tried so far. You feel your face hydrated and smooth, what I like about this is that the Matte finish does not make your skin look dull as some matte foundations do.

Since I am working on different make up looks I bought recently an eye-shadow palette and when applying some of these eye-shadows some of them would not stick on the skin. I used to have a MAC eye primer but I didn’t really get to use it as much and it was about a year old, so I didn’t want to put that on my skin. I decided to test the Flormar Eye Perfection primer and I was very happy with the results. This Eye primer has seaweed extract for firmer skin and fruit and plant extracts to increase blood flow for more vivid look.

Precision Artliner (liquid eyeliner)

I also got the liquid Artliner and although it claims to be a precision Artliner and the applicator wand it’s very thin… I want to be honest, I didn’t like it at all!!!. I have been using liquid eyeliner since i was in my teen years and out of all the eyeliners I have used this is my least favorite. When you apply it  you need to work the line very carefully otherwise it looks very sloppy.

Invisible Loose Powder

When you look at the product the powder is white but when you apply it on your face, the white pigment disappears…..I guess this is why they call it “invisible loose” (duh!! To me)…lol.. It gives you a beautiful matte look and at the same time a little bit of  luminous finish.

So from all these 5 makeup products I wouldn’t recommend buying the Eyeliner, regarding the rest, I think that the quality of these products is great and the best part is that you can get each product for under $20.

Let me know if you have tried any of these or any other Flormar products and How did you like them?

A thought on… Following Your Dreams

Have you ever had the feeling that you were from another planet?

Well? I have been feeling like THAT for a very long time!

I always see my friends who are so happy with their careers and moving on with their lives projects but I didn’t see myself doing what they were doing…I felt always looking for more…

So after many months of auditing my life… I came to the realization that I am  Neisha…The reason why I always kept searching for more and never felt happy is because I wasn’t doing things I truly felt passionate about.

I am free spirited woman, a  passionate dreamer and I love to create!!  

And I can say today that one of the best things that have happen to me is to find the  purpose I have in this life.

How I got the courage or clarity to do what I was meant to do?
Well I asked myself: “on your last day on this earth, if you were presented with  a holographic movie screen that replays your life.  What would you want to see on this movie  as you are having your last breath”…

Will I have regrets FOR NOT FOLLOWING MY DREAMS IF I WERE TO DIE TODAY!!!…..and the answer was YES!!!

I want to leave this earth with a smile, being completely satisfied with the life I lived.

And the good news to you is that if you are reading this… is because you are still on this earth too…  😉

So start living, instead of just existing. Start doing things that really make you happy…if you are already doing it then you are very lucky and I am very …but very happy for you…. if you are not!! …. it doesn’t matter how old you are…..JUST START!!!

with all my love,

Music Therapy

There are times when I feel a little down because things are not going the direction I want them to go or things are not happening as fast as I would like them to, or I’m just going through tough moments that are simply out of my control, so when I feel this way one I have trained myself to do things to uplift my spirit and one of them is to listen to songs that with their powerful lyrics will shift my mind settings into positive mode 🙂 so below are my top 3 songs that uplift my spirit.

“Let the River Run” by Carly Simon

Let me start with the song that is part of my favorite movie’s soundtrack– “Working Girl”. Actors Melanie Griffith and Harrison Ford star in this movie and this movie teaches you to keep fighting for what you believe in and if you have trust in yourself your time to shine will come.

“Something In The Water” by Carrie Underwood

Another song that just gives me chills is “Something in the Water” by Carrie Underwood. When I feel down and I feel like giving up pursuing my dreams, I know in my heart that God prescribed me this song so I can get up and continue fighting. If you’ve never heard this song, I invite you to give it a chance and listen to the powerful lyrics.

“Soon” by LeAnn Rimes

Once upon a time I was going through a very difficult break up. For days I would be just crying because my heart was in pieces and then I heard this beautiful piece: “Soon” by Leann Rimes and it automatically became my anthem. So whenever I want to feel empowered, this is my song I listen to

 I hope you get to enjoy them as much as I do and let me know how they make you feel!! 

With all my Love,


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